To simplify things, we group our tutors into three main tutor categories:

 Part-Time Tutors – refers to private tutors who doing it part-time. Most of the tutors here are still schooling: A-level graduates, Diploma students/graduates, or Undergraduates. To a lesser extent, there are also University graduates and working professionals offering tuition part-time and they fall under this category. Part-time tutors are the cheapest option for home tuition in Singapore.

– Full-Time Tutors – refers to full-time private tutors who teach as a profession. Full-time tutors may/may not be university graduates but often have significantly more teaching experiences than part-time tutors as they tutor lots of students 1-to-1 as well as take up jobs in tuition centres teaching groups of students in classes.The actual qualifications and experience of a full-time tutor can vastly differ between individuals, hence so does the tuition rate they command.

– School Teachers – refers to ex/current school teachers either from MOE or from private and international schools. Tutors under this category tend to be the most experienced and qualified in private tutoring and thus command the highest tuition rates. Be prepared to pay a premium in order to engage these teachers successfully.